This reduces network traffic and increases the speed of retrieving that data. General Shortcuts (36 shortcuts) Select (4 shortcuts) Table Structure Tab (5 shortcuts) Table Content Tab (4 shortcuts) Custom Query Tab (32 shortcuts) email Is this page helpful 0 0 Program information Program name: Sequel Pro 1.1.2 ( Developer tools ) Sequel Pro is a free and open-source database management software for macOS. I am quite new to this so please excuse if my question is stupid or obvious. This reduction will be incorporated into the SQL statement so that Excel only retrieves the needed rows and columns from SQL Server. I'm using sequel pro to run some queries on a large database that I have. For example, you could retrieve all the contents of a table into Power Query, limit the number of rows to just 50, and reduce the number of columns used to just two. Power Query reduces the amount of data that it receives from SQL Server through a process called Query Folding. Run all queries R: Run current query or selection or R: Versions 0.9.9. If you do this in Power Query, it will reduce the amount of data that goes into Excel. Summarise the data using the Group By function.(However, Power Query uses a language called M, which differs significantly from Excel.) Add additional columns using formulas.Hide some columns or rows (by going to Home – Choose/Remove Columns).You can then perform additional manipulations before the data transfer into Excel. Sequel Pro 1.1. Keyboard command for Run Current/Previous/Selection is the more. You can also generalize the shortcut as below: For example, create a shortcut for: SELECT COUNT () To use this shortcut: 1. It will run the specified query and return the results.

Press 'Ctrl + 3' (or the key you have assigned in your environment) 3. With convenient keyboard shortcuts: Press Cmd-Shift-F and type a few characters to filter tables. Keyboard command for Run All is simply Command-R. Restart Management Studio/Login to an instance, 2. You can also load data directly from the Power Query Editor. Another feature that many people have requested.